Cigar on stand next to a glass and bottle of liquor.

Cigar Imports in the U.S. Experience Small Decline Through August

In 2023, the cigar market in the U.S. is experiencing a modest reduction in imports, as indicated by recent data from the Cigar Association of America. Handmade cigar imports in August were 4 percent lower than in the same month in 2022. Overall, for the first eight months, there’s been a 3.2 percent decrease in imports.

However, this downturn doesn’t spell a bad year. By August, the U.S. had received nearly 300 million handmade cigars, nearing the 300-million mark which historically signifies a successful year. In comparison, 2022 saw 464 million cigars imported.

Nicaragua, the U.S.’s main source of premium cigars, experienced a 2.8 percent drop in exports to the U.S., totaling 162 million cigars. The Dominican Republic, on the other hand, saw a rise of 3.5 percent, reaching 88.9 million cigars. Honduras, ranking third, faced a significant 15.2 percent fall, with imports at 46.1 million cigars.

With several months yet to be accounted for, including the typically busy holiday season, it’s premature to conclude the year’s final outcome. If the current trend of a 3.2 percent decline holds, the year could end with just under 450 million imported cigars.

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